Free Webinar: Tuesday 20th March
Deposit reporting schemes and the future of paying for packaging waste

The Waste market is changing. In the last few months, we have seen a huge increase in engagement and publicity around the topic of waste including latte levies, plastics and the Blue Planet documentaries, the waste import restrictions from China, and discussions around deposit schemes. Deposit reporting is a growing area of Extended Producer Responsibility, but it is also a contentious one due to the increased levels of consumer engagement.
Please join us for our upcoming Webinar where we will discuss how deposit schemes are being used around the world. We will also discuss the options available for waste management in the future and how these could differ from programs which are already in place for both manufactures and consumers.
During the Webinar, we will be covering:
- Deposit schemes
- What they are?
- Where you will find them?
- Are you affected by them?
- Do they work?
- Lorax support for beverage scheme reporting
- Paying for packaging
- The changing ways that waste is managed
- Manufacturers vs consumers: who should pay for the packaging
We hope you can join us, please follow the registration process using the link below and you will be sent a confirmation email. All registrants will also receive our complimentary paper on beverage schemes.