Forthcoming Webinars and Dates
Stay tuned for updates to our webinar programme.Previous Webinars

Get ready for 2020 reporting with Lorax Compliance
Tuesday, December 3rd 15:00 PM GMT
The end of the year is nearly upon us, and reporting deadlines are fast approaching for Q1 2020. We would like to invite you to our Customer User Group Webinar where we can take the opportunity to prepare you for the New Year. We will be covering any reporting changes we see coming through for 2020 which might affect you, as well as running through some software changes and enhancements and new features you may have seen appearing.
Webinar Information
Regulatory Update on Global Extended Producer Responsibility Directives
Tuesday, June 25th 15:00 PM GMT
The global EPR landscape is changing – New countries, New schemes, New regulations... This Webinar aims to give you an up-to-the-minute briefing on the current global EPR reporting obligations. This vital knowledge will equip you to forecast, and minimise the budgetary impact.
Webinar Information
Get ready for 2019 reporting with Lorax Compliance
Tuesday, December 11th 15:00 PM GMT
The end of the year is nearly upon us, and reporting deadlines are fast approaching for Q1 2019. We would like to invite you to our Customer User Group Webinar where we can take the opportunity to prepare you for the New Year. We will be covering any reporting changes we see coming through for 2019 which might affect you, as well as running through some software changes and enhancements and new features you may have seen appearing.
Webinar Information
Regulatory Update on Global Waste Directives
Tuesday, November 27th 15:00 PM GMT
The global EPR landscape is changing – New countries, New schemes, New regulations... This Webinar aims to give you an up-to-the-minute briefing on the current global EPR reporting obligations. This vital knowledge will equip you to forecast, and minimise the budgetary impact.
Webinar Information
The Circular Economy and it's impact on EPR
Tuesday, November 20th 16:00 PM GMT
Extended Producer Responsibility programs across the EU are gearing up for significant change under the EU Circular Economy Package. This presentation covers the expectations of the EU Circular Economy package and how the requirements will impact businesses both in product design and waste reporting complexity.
Webinar Information
The progress of EPR legislation in South America
Tuesday, September 25th 14:00 PM GMT
Join us to get an up-to-date overview of how EPR legislation is progressing in the countries of South America. The majority of South American countries have started the legislative process but they are all at different stages. Focusing in on the most recent developments, you will gain a view into the changes which will affect your business if you market products in this area.
Webinar Information
Regulatory Update on Global Waste Directives
Tuesday, July 3rd 14:00 PM GMT
The global EPR landscape is changing – New countries, New schemes, New regulations... This Webinar aims to give you an up-to-the-minute briefing on the current global EPR reporting obligations. This vital knowledge will equip you to forecast, and minimise the budgetary impact.
Webinar Information
WEEE Open Scope: Prepare your business for the imminent changes
Tuesday, June 12th 16:00 PM GMT
The transition period for the EU WEEE Recast Directive 2012/19/EU is coming to an end in August 2018. The changes will impact the way producers of electronic equipment handle and report WEEE across the region. Join Emma Mundy as she discusses how Member States are implementing the upcoming changes and how they will affect your business.
Webinar Information
Deposit reporting schemes and the future of paying for packaging waste
Tuesday, March 20th 15:00 PM GMT
The Waste market is changing. Please join us for our upcoming Webinar where we will discuss how deposit schemes are being used around the world. We will also discuss the options available for waste management in the future and how these could differ from programs which are already in place for both manufactures and consumers.
Webinar InformationLorax Training: Bringing Business Intelligence to enhance your reporting
Thursday, February 15th 15:00 PM GMT
At the end of last year, we demonstrated our new advanced Business Intelligence (BI) modules as an exclusive to our Customer User Group. The new BI is now ready for full release and will be available to all clients, allowing you to see at a glance costs, materials, sales and create your own customisable business targets. To help you get the most out of this functionality, please join us for a training webinar where we will take you through the new screens and reports, so you can make use of the advanced analytics now available to you.
Webinar InformationGet ready for 2018 reporting with Lorax Compliance
Tuesday, December 12th 16:00 PM GMT
The end of the year is nearly upon us, and reporting deadlines are fast approaching for Q1 2018. We would like to invite you to our Customer User Group Webinar where we can take the opportunity to prepare you for the New Year. We will be covering any reporting changes we see coming through for 2018 which might affect you, as well as running through some software changes and enhancements and new features you may have seen appearing.
Webinar InformationRegulatory Update on Global Waste Directives
Friday, November 17th 15:00 PM GMT
The global EPR landscape is changing – New countries, New schemes, New regulations... This Webinar aims to give you an up-to-the-minute briefing on the current global EPR reporting obligations. This vital knowledge will equip you to forecast, and minimize the budgetary impact.
Webinar InformationREACH, less than a year to go!
Tuesday, August 8th 14:00 PM GMT
With less than 1 year to go until the 2018 deadline, join our webinar to find out everything you need to remain compliant.
Webinar InformationRegulatory Update on Global Waste Directives
Tuesday, March 28th 14:00 PM GMT
The global EPR landscape is changing – New countries, New schemes, New regulations... This Webinar aims to give you an up-to-the-minute briefing on the current global EPR reporting obligations. This vital knowledge will equip you to forecast, and minimize the budgetary impact.
Webinar InformationGet ready for 2017 reporting with Lorax Compliance
Wednesday, December 14th 16:00 PM GMT
The end of the year is nearly upon us, and reporting deadlines are fast approaching for Q1 2017. We would like to invite you to our Customer User Group Webinar where we can take the opportunity to prepare you for the New Year. We will be covering any reporting changes we see coming through for 2017 which might affect you, as well as running through some software changes and enhancements and new features you may have seen appearing.
Webinar Information8 Reasons why you should join our EPR Workshop
Tuesday, November 22nd 16:00 PM GMT
Extended Producer Responsibility compliance reporting is complicated. Failure to report incurs severe penalties and reputational damage. This webinar will show you how, by employing our market-leading software tools, with the inbuilt Business Intelligence (BI), you can automate the complete process and analyse opportunities for margin improvement.
Webinar InformationRegulatory Update on Global Waste Directives
Wednesday, September 14th 15:00 PM GMT
The global EPR landscape is changing – New countries, New schemes, New regulations... This Webinar aims to give you an up-to-the-minute briefing on the current global EPR reporting obligations. This vital knowledge will equip you to forecast, and minimize the budgetary impact.
Webinar InformationThe Risks & Rewards of Sustainability and the Circular Economy
Tuesday, May 17th 15:00 PM GMT
As a retailer a major element of your sustainability plan is the cost of your global Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) reporting and the impact on your product and brand margins. This webinar will give you a clearer understanding of how to forecast, and minimize the budgetary impact of EPR compliance on your sustainability goals.
Webinar InformationHow Global EPR Fee-Paying Regulations impact Medical Device Manufacturers
Tuesday, January 26th 16:00 PM GMT
The webinar will help you understand, forecast, and minimize the budgetary impact of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) compliance. We will be highlighting the impact of key markets, including the EU, Australia, Canada, the United States and South America, where EPR regulations have been or are being adopted and how they may impact your supply chain in the near future.
Webinar Information