What is happening with UK EPR?
by Joshua Martin at 13:43 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging, Content under Environmental

If you're a business owner in the UK selling packaged products, you're likely aware of the ongoing packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) reform. The EPR reform introduces extra layers of complexity to the existing packaging policies. In this article, we're here to provide you with clear information to help you navigate it effectively. The funda...
Is your business ready for the upcoming UK Plastic Tax?
by Jianhong Hu at 14:40 in Packaging, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental
It is the countdown for the beginning of the UK plastic packaging tax.Next month, on 1 April 2022, if you import or manufacture more than 10 tonnes of plastic packaging annually, you will be obligated to register with HMRC for the UK plastics packaging tax. The first accounting period will be from 1 April to 30 June, and the first tax return and payment ...

The differences between plastics taxes and EPR fees
by Annis Mapleston at 12:36 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Countries around the world are considering the best way to fund waste management. It is becoming increasingly common for governments to believe that producers should finance the significant majority of the costs of waste management - but should this be through a plastics tax or extended producer responsibility (EPR) fees - and what's the difference?Some...
EPR fees, taxes and levies - what's the difference?
by Annis Mapleston at 12:43 in Circular Economy, Environmental under Environmental
Countries (and regions) around the world are considering how best to reduce packaging waste. Typically, they are applying one or more of three options: bans, EPR fees or taxes and levies. A ban is straight-forward enough, but what's the difference between EPR fees, taxes and the EU plastics levy?EPR feesA fee paid to cover the cost of waste management...

UK Plastic Packaging Tax - where are we now?
by Annis Mapleston at 09:08 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

Following a few months of silence, the UK government has now published more information about the plastics tax. So what do we know about it?Following the publication of draft legislation on November 12th, we now know that some things have changed from the proposal contained in the March consultation (covered in a previous blog post). Key details tha...
Consultation on the UK Plastic Packaging Tax
by Annis Mapleston at 15:02 in Packaging under Environmental
The UK has launched a consultation on the finer details of its Plastic Packaging Tax, confirmed as going ahead in the Chancellor's Budget 2020 speech last week.Some elements of the tax have been confirmed, and are not subject to consultation:The tax will be implemented from April 2022;It will be charged at a rate of £200 per tonne of plastic packaging m...

Turkey imposes a Recycling Contribution Fee (GEKAP)
by Annis Mapleston at 11:26 in Battery, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

Following an amendment to Turkey's Environmental Act (link in Turkish) that came into force on January 1, 2020, certain products are now subject to a Recycling Contribution Fee (GEKAP).The GEKAP has been introduced to help reduce waste, by obliging producers to pay a fee proportionate to the weight of the products they place on the market. Affected produ...