Textile EPR in Sweden
by Jennifer Brook at 14:22 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental
According to a draft bill that is expected to pass soon, Sweden will be introducing extended producer responsibility legislation for textiles from 1 January 2022. The EU Waste Framework Directive requires all Member States to set up separate waste collection for textiles by 2025. This is corroborated in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan, and Lorax EPI ...

Chemical Product Registers you didn’t know existed
by Ellen Thornton at 09:10 in Content, Environmental under Environmental

The Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries (SPIN) database contains information on the chemicals that are used in the Nordic countries, based on the Products Registries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. In these countries, manufacturers and/or importers of substances must submit a notification to the Product Register. The chemicals to be rep...