The latest Extended Producer Respsonbility updates in South America
by Ellen Thornton at 09:04 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Following our last blog covering EPR updates in South America, we have more news to keep you up to speed. There has been further development in EPR legislation alongside many single-use plastic restrictions. In Brazil, we see the further development of the National Solid Waste Policy. A new Chamber of Deputies Bill No. 11186/2018 would make amendments to...
Lastest updates in South American Extended Producer Responsibility
by Ellen Thornton at 14:51 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging, Battery under Environmental
Extended producer responsibility and general waste legislation has been developing continually in Latin America for a few years now. Here is a summary of the latest and most significant legislative updates. In Brazil, Law No. 8151 of 1 November 2018 established the system of reverse logistics of packaging and packaging waste, within the scope of the Sta...

Latest updates from South America
by Ellen Thornton at 12:56 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Following our webinar last month updating you on the plastic bans and EPR progress in South America, we have seen further proposed laws in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Here's a quick summary of the latest news. In Argentina, two Chamber of Deputies Bills have been proposed. One would establish a program for the progres...