The 6 R’s of Sustainability: Simple ways to be more sustainable
by Jasmine Norton at 16:26 in Environmental, Circular Economy, Content under Environmental

It is becoming increasingly clear that the planet is under intense pressure from the over-consumption and exploitation of finite resources - creating severe consequences for nature and people worldwide. We can and must all play a part in creating a more sustainable present and future, which can start in both our personal and working lives.Knowing and und...
Take a glance at the development of reusable packaging legislation
by Jianhong Hu at 14:26 in Packaging, Environmental under Environmental
3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) have been brought up more regularly in countries' waste management policies. One of the key elements – 'Reuse', has been integrated into legislative requirements for packaging in some countries.There are three main types of requirements regarding reusable packaging:Mandatory targets for reusable packaging have been s...