Ontario passes full EPR for packaging
by Rachel Langhill at 13:31 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
Under a regulation from the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act of 2016, which was recently approved, producers of packaging and printed paper in Ontario will be required to assume full financial and operational responsibility for collecting, managing and financing designated materials, which up until now only required producers to contribute 50% f...

Ontario extends electronic stewardship wind up date
by Ellen Thornton at 10:55 in Circular Economy, Emerging, WEEE, Battery under Environmental
Earlier this year, Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) Program announced a ‘fee holiday' until the wind up of the program, on June 30th, 2020, due to a surplus of funds collected. It has just been announced that the Ministry of Environment, Parks and Recreation issued an amendment to the wind up date, which means the program will now end on 31st Decembe...
'Fee holiday' for e-waste in Ontario
by Ellen Thornton at 10:54 in Circular Economy, Emerging, WEEE, Environmental under Environmental
In Ontario the e-waste stewardship program is being wound-up and is set to cease by 30th June, 2020. This is due to the transition of the current program to a circular economy regime. During the running of the e-waste program, Ontario Electronic Stewardship collects and remits HTS on the fees charged to the stewards. Due to charging eco-fees to consumers...

Expansion of electronics and batteries producer responsibility in Ontario
by Ellen Thornton at 11:29 in Battery, Circular Economy, Emerging, WEEE under Environmental
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment is currently holding consultations with stakeholders in the electronics / electrical equipment and batteries sector regarding the approaching circular economy regulation for EEE and batteries (and their packaging). The consultation ends on 6th February and will focus on the key decisions affecting industry as part o...
Wind up of MHSW program in Ontario
by Ellen Thornton at 14:22 in Content, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental
On 12 April 2018, the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change issued direction to Stewardship Ontario to wind up the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program by December 31st, 2020. Materials collected under the MHSW program will be managed according to an individual producer responsibility framework under the Resource Recovery and Circu...
Canada: CSSA packaging compliance update
by Ellen Thornton at 12:57 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

The Canada Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA) is a packaging scheme which obligates producers, or stewards, in British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan. These are legal obligations under the provincial packaging and printed paper (PPP) materials recycling regulations. Stewards can be retailers, restaurants, importers, manufacturers, governm...