Lorax EPI

Committed to shift the “plastic biggest polluter” paradigm together, Southeast Asian countries are rapidly improving its regulatory framework. Here’s what you need to know as producers
by Qinthar Aghnia Audiawarman at 09:22 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

​A study in Science Advances has revealed a direct correlation between plastic production by consumer goods companies and environmental plastic pollution, indicating that a 1% increase in production results in a 1% increase in pollution. Southeast Asia dominates the list of the highest plastic polluters, with six out of the top ten countries located in th...

Committed to shift the “plastic biggest polluter” paradigm together, Southeast Asian countries are rapidly improving its regulatory framework. Here’s what you need to know as producers

Latvia’s New Plastic Tax: A Push Towards Sustainability
by Alena Zein at 15:02 in Circular Economy, Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

Latvia’s New Plastic Tax: A Push Towards Sustainability

​Latvia has amended its Natural Resource Tax by establishing a tax on plastics that are typically not recycled in Latvia. Starting from 1st October 2024, any taxable person responsible for packaging made entirely or partially of non-recyclable plastic (polymeric) materials will be subject to this tax. The tax was introduced in response to the European Uni...

Lorax EPI attends the Canadian Stewardship Conference
by Aaron Sarah at 13:16 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

​Whilst Canada is renowned for its Rocky Mountains, poutine, and grizzly bears, it has also gained international recognition for its commitment to product stewardship and extended producer responsibility (EPR). Every two years, people gather at the Canadian Stewardship Conference to explore the latest in stewardship and EPR practices in Canada.This year, ...

Lorax EPI attends the Canadian Stewardship Conference

Responsible Fashion: California’s Textile EPR
by Justin Given at 13:00 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental

Responsible Fashion: California’s Textile EPR

​The Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024 (SB 707) is California's latest effort to tackle the increasing problem of textile waste. The act establishes a framework to manage the lifecycle of textiles, encouraging recycling, repair, and reuse to prevent millions of tons of post-consumer textile waste from ending up in landfills. With fast fashion contr...

A Beginner's Guide to EPR and Lorax EPI
by Rania Jhumka at 13:50 in Content, Emerging under Environmental

​Approximately 85% of plastic packaging worldwide ends up in landfill rather than recycling. This is why EPR is so important, to make sure producers make more effort to ensure their packaging ends up in recycling. EPR stands for Extended Producer Responsibility. It is a policy approach where producers must take responsibility for their products throughout...

A Beginner's Guide to EPR and Lorax EPI

A Guide to the US Plastics Pact
by Rania Jhumka at 16:07 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

A Guide to the US Plastics Pact

The US Plastics Pact is a voluntary initiative based on the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's global commitment. This pact involves cooperation between businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to drive the transition towards a circular economy for plastics by reducing waste, improving recycling, and redesigning plastic packaging. Previously...

EPR reform in packaging: Australia’s push for a circular economy
by Verity Anipa at 10:16 in Circular Economy, Packaging, Emerging under Environmental

​In a world increasingly conscious of its environmental impact, everyday packaging has come under scrutiny. Australia, like many other nations, faces a crucial decision point. Data from the government-backed 2025 APCO targets indicate that, despite progress, Australia is not on track to meet its goals for sustainable packaging. A 2021 review further revea...

EPR reform in packaging: Australia’s push for a circular economy

Textile Reporting has Landed in Latvia
by Jennifer Brook at 15:18 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental

Textile Reporting has Landed in Latvia

In a previous Lorax EPI blog from January, we stated that textile EPR reporting requirements would come into effect on 1st July 2024 in Latvia. This has now happened - this blog explains what you need to do to comply with textile EPR regulations in Latvia.Parties who place textile products onto the Latvian market for the first time. Companies must either ...

Navigating Environmental Regulations: Lorax EPI's Consultancy Services
by Joshua Martin at 16:09 in Content under Environmental

​In the ever-changing world of environmental regulations, businesses grapple with the dual challenge of compliance and sustainability. That's where Lorax EPI steps in. We're more than just a consultancy firm; we're your partners in addressing these complex issues head-on.We dive deep into your existing data infrastructure, identifying areas where addition...

Navigating Environmental Regulations: Lorax EPI's Consultancy Services

Understanding Recyclability Assessments: A Key Component of Future Packaging Compliance
by Jianhong Hu at 09:23 in Packaging, Circular Economy under Environmental

Understanding Recyclability Assessments: A Key Component of Future Packaging Compliance

​You may have heard of the term 'Recyclability Assessment' through various voluntary Green initiatives but have you realized this has been making its way into the EPR regulations? Let's delve deeper into what this means for your packaging obligations.What is a Recyclability Assessment?A Recyclability Assessment involves a thorough evaluation of packaging ...

Navigating Kenya's new waste management landscape: Are your products compliant?
by Verity Anipa at 09:23 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

​If you are a producer of goods in Kenya, there is a crucial question you need to ask yourself: Have you registered your products and associated packaging in accordance with the latest environmental regulations? The passage of the plastic bag ban in 2017 and enactment last year of section 13 of the Sustainable Waste Management Act No. 31 of 2022 framework...

Navigating Kenya's new waste management landscape: Are your products compliant?

Insight Into Maine’s Implementation of Packaging EPR
by Justin Given at 14:30 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Insight Into Maine’s Implementation of Packaging EPR

​Maine is one of the first states to begin implementing packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation. This law requires brands and packaging industry players to take financial responsibility for materials in the state's recycling system. Currently, four states are actively working to set up the operational framework for these programs.Main...

How do you manage EPR?
by Joshua Martin at 15:56 in Environmental, Content under Environmental

​As Extended Producer Responsibility ('EPR') regulations evolve and expand, it can be hard to keep up with the requirements and obligations. A solid data management process is essential to ensure compliance and avoid penalties. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best practices and tips for managing your EPR data effectively, through these 6 st...

How do you manage EPR?

What is happening with UK EPR?
by Joshua Martin at 13:43 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging, Content under Environmental

What is happening with UK EPR?

If you're a business owner in the UK selling packaged products, you're likely aware of the ongoing packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) reform. The EPR reform introduces extra layers of complexity to the existing packaging policies. In this article, we're here to provide you with clear information to help you navigate it effectively. The funda...

What is EPR?
by Joshua Martin at 07:39 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

​Introducing a 5-part mini-blog series, dedicated to helping you understand what EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) is, where it came from and how best to comply. As a business owner, you may be wondering how the new regulations on plastic packaging will affect your operations and costs. In this blog post, we will explain what Extended Producer Respon...

What is EPR?

Challenges of EPR reporting
by Lynn Perks at 09:41 in Battery, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

Challenges of EPR reporting

Whilst navigating the complex world of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) it can be overwhelming for the producer to keep up to date with legislative and reporting requirements. Lorax EPI are here to help!Following on from my blog post 'Why Data is King', keeping on top of your legal obligations for EPR reporting can be a challenge. The information th...

How far will it go in the US: An update on Extended Producer Responsibility across the United States
by Justin Given at 15:09 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

​Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging has seen rapid growth in the United States over the last 2 years. Four states have already passed EPR legislation, with seventeen more states having proposed EPR bills during their 2022 legislative sessions. The perspective of EPR in the United States is centred on the financials of waste management, t...

How far will it go in the US: An update on Extended Producer Responsibility across the United States

Colorado's EPR Law
by Jennifer Brook at 10:31 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Colorado's EPR Law

​This year has been groundbreaking for extended producer responsibility (EPR) legislation in the United States. On June 3rd this year, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed House Bill 22-1355 into law, joining California, Oregon and Maine as the first four US states to pass this form of legislation.Colorado's EPR law affects producers of packaging and cert...

California has passed the most ambitious EPR bill for packaging in the U.S
by Lucy Mercer at 08:47 in Environmental, Packaging, Circular Economy under Environmental

​EPR legislation, SB54 or the Plastic Producer Responsibility Act, was signed by Governor Newsom into law on 30th June 2022. The bill requires that businesses in California take responsibility to pay for the cost associated with the recovery of materials they sell in the state.SB54 passing has kept the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, a plastics fee ballo...

California has passed the most ambitious EPR bill for packaging in the U.S

What is Eco-modulation and where would this lead us to?
by Jianhong Hu at 11:04 in Packaging under Environmental

What is Eco-modulation and where would this lead us to?

​EU waste framework directive (amended 2018) introduced the modulation of the financial contribution to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes. This minimises waste packaging generation and incentivises the designs with better recyclability and sustainability. In other words, if your packaging is easier to be collected and recycled in the local i...

Are you ready for the upcoming Vietnam EPR?
by Megan Keen at 09:16 in Packaging, Environmental, Emerging, WEEE, Battery under Environmental

​On 10 January 2022, the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment posted a new decree as part of the Law on Environmental Protection. This has given essential updates to aspects of the law with which many companies may find themselves needing to be compliant, as EPR regulations begin to come into force from 2024.The biggest change to t...

Are you ready for the upcoming Vietnam EPR?

Indian EPR - What do we know so far?
by Jianhong Hu at 10:01 in Packaging, Circular Economy, Environmental under Environmental

Indian EPR - What do we know so far?

​To tackle the plastics waste pollution and establish a circular economy, the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has imposed mandatory Extended Producer Responsibility on Plastic packaging. The requirements were laid down in 'Guidelines on Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Packaging' published on 16th February 2022. It's ...

Russia 2021: The current status of EPR regulations
by Jennifer Brook at 10:23 in Battery, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

​Extended producer responsibility (EPR) in Russia is governed by two main bodies: the Russian government and the Eurasian Economic Union, or EAEU. Member States of the EAEU include Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, and regulations made by this body affect all affiliated countries. The main EPR system in Russia is set by the Russian gove...

Russia 2021: The current status of EPR regulations

The future of waste regulations in the Middle East and Africa
by Megan Keen at 17:13 in Emerging, Circular Economy, Battery, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

The future of waste regulations in the Middle East and Africa

​The Middle East and Africa (MEA) have historically been smaller producers of waste. However, this is all beginning to change, as many areas within the region are beginning to rapidly urbanize and grow. In some of the higher income Middle Eastern countries, waste production per capita can be up to 2kg per day. In Sub-Saharan Africa, annual waste generatio...

Approaching deadlines for packaging producers in South Africa
by Rachel Langhill at 20:54 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

​In November 2020, South Africa passed new regulations to provide framework for implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations. According to the law, packaging producers must become financially responsible for the take-back of the packaging they place on the market.The regulations were then amended in January 2021 to extend the deadlines ...

Approaching deadlines for packaging producers in South Africa

The differences between plastics taxes and EPR fees
by Annis Mapleston at 12:36 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The differences between plastics taxes and EPR fees

​Countries around the world are considering the best way to fund waste management. It is becoming increasingly common for governments to believe that producers should finance the significant majority of the costs of waste management - but should this be through a plastics tax or extended producer responsibility (EPR) fees - and what's the difference?Some...

EPR in Europe - where is it going?
by Annis Mapleston at 13:15 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Battery, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

​​This blog is part of a wider series from Lorax EPI, taking a deep dive into the current and future landscapes for packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations on a global scale.This blog focuses on Europe - where the concept of EPR first really took hold in the 1990s. The majority of European countries (whether or not members of the EU)...

EPR in Europe - where is it going?

EPR and circular economy initiatives in Latin America
by Rachel Langhill at 17:04 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

EPR and circular economy initiatives in Latin America

​This blog is part of a wider series from Lorax EPI, taking a deep dive into the current and future landscapes for packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations on a global scale.Currently, EPR legislation in Latin America is in its early stages. Some countries have passed EPR framework, allowing for more formal regulations to be introduced...

Ontario passes full EPR for packaging
by Rachel Langhill at 13:31 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Under a regulation from the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act of 2016, which was recently approved, producers of packaging and printed paper in Ontario will be required to assume full financial and operational responsibility for collecting, managing and financing designated materials, which up until now only required producers to contribute 50% f...

Ontario passes full EPR for packaging

EPR policies under development in Asia Pacific
by Jianhong Hu at 15:51 in Packaging, Content, Emerging under Environmental

EPR policies under development in Asia Pacific

This blog is part of a wider series from Lorax EPI, taking a deep dive into the current and future landscapes for packaging extended producer responsibility​ (EPR) regulations on a global scale.Due to the uneven social and economic development in the Asia Pacific region (APAC), the EPR legislation progress in APAC presents a large variety. This post will ...

EPR in Africa - what to expect in the next few years
by Rachel Langhill at 15:33 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

​This blog is part of a wider series from Lorax EPI, taking a deep-dive into the current and future landscapes for packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations on a global scale.At this time, minimal mandatory packaging EPR exists in Africa, though some countries are now entering the early stages of implementing such regulations. With Sout...

EPR in Africa - what to expect in the next few years

How to comply with packaging EPR in the USA
by Rachel Langhill at 17:43 in Content, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

How to comply with packaging EPR in the USA

This article was updated on 11th August.On 12th July, Maine's governor signed a bill to establish a statewide packaging EPR program into law. Weeks later, on 6th August, a bill for packaging, printed paper and food service ware EPR passed into law in Oregon. This means that the first packaging extended producer responsibility schemes will soon come into f...

Existing EPR policies in Asia Pacific
by Jianhong Hu at 14:39 in Packaging, Content, Emerging under Environmental

​This blog is part of a wider series from Lorax EPI, taking a deep dive into the current and future landscapes for packaging extended producer responsibility​ (EPR) regulations on a global scale.Due to the uneven social and economic developments​​, the EPR legislation progress in the Asia Pacific region (APAC) presents a large variety. This post will give...

Existing EPR policies in Asia Pacific

EPR in North America - where is it going?
by Rachel Langhill at 18:43 in Content, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

EPR in North America - where is it going?

This article was updated on 26th August 2021.This blog is part of a wider series from Lorax EPI, taking a deep-dive into the current and future landscapes for packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations on a global scale.When it comes to packaging EPR in North America, legislation tends to be regionally focused rather than nationally capt...

Extended producer responsibility schemes around the world
by Annis Mapleston at 09:39 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) was first introduced ​in the 1990s.​ The main objectives of EPR legislation are typically to ensure that the cost of waste management is covered by the businesses that are producing the waste, and to incentivise good environmental design decisions.​ Packaging EPR is becoming ​increasingly common​ around the world, w...

Extended producer responsibility schemes around the world

EPR reporting - how complicated can it be?
by Annis Mapleston at 14:24 in Packaging, WEEE, Environmental under Environmental

EPR reporting - how complicated can it be?

​Virtually every EPR compliance scheme in the world requires some form of regular reporting - maybe only once a year, but potentially every month. Some reports are relatively simple, but others can be significantly more complicated. So what information do schemes want?At the most basic level, schemes need the same information:Number/type of product plac...

Lorax EPI endorses the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's EPR position statement
by Rachel Langhill at 14:57 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Lorax EPI is pleased to be involved in endorsing the position statement released by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation today (15th June) for packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).It has become clear that we need a circular economy for packaging materials in which they never become waste or litter in our environment. Packaging that cannot be elimina...

Lorax EPI endorses the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's EPR position statement

Are you prepared for new EU single-use plastic labelling requirements?
by Rachel Langhill at 17:08 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Are you prepared for new EU single-use plastic labelling requirements?

The EU Single-Use Plastics Directive, which was passed by the EU Commission in May 2019, enacts bans on certain single-use products, recycled content targets for some plastics and measures to reduce plastic food and beverage containers. It also requires Member States to ensure that national laws mandate new labels for sanitary towels, wet wipes, tobacco f...

EPR fees, taxes and levies - what's the difference?
by Annis Mapleston at 12:43 in Circular Economy, Environmental under Environmental

​Countries (and regions) around the world are considering how best to reduce packaging waste. Typically, they are applying one or more of three options: bans, EPR fees or taxes and ​levies. A ban is straight-forward enough, but what's the difference between EPR fees, taxes and the EU plastics levy?EPR feesA fee paid to cover the cost of waste management...

EPR fees, taxes and levies - what's the difference?

EPR - what does it all mean?
by Annis Mapleston at 16:00 in Environmental, Packaging, Circular Economy under Environmental

EPR - what does it all mean?

​Like many topics, the concept of extended producer responsibility comes with an often confusing range of acronyms and highly specific terminology. But what does it all mean? In this post, we look at some of the most frequently used terms and phrases.​Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)The concept of producers being responsible for the waste generate...

Lorax EPI's recent workshop on global packaging EPR developments
by Rachel Langhill at 18:12 in Circular Economy, Content, Packaging under Environmental

Last week, the Lorax EPI team gave a workshop on global packaging EPR developments as part of the Sustainability in Packaging US 2021 Conference. Our presenters took some time to investigate the true costs of packaging extended producer responsibility on a per-capita and per-product basis as well as discuss major changes in worldwide EPR programs that wil...

Lorax EPI's recent workshop on global packaging EPR developments

Packaging EPR is one step closer for New York State
by Rachel Langhill at 14:40 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Packaging EPR is one step closer for New York State

On 15th March 2021, the New York Senate Majority passed its one-house budget resolution. While most of the proposal is focused on providing emergency aid to help the state recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, it also includes initiatives that prioritise environmental justice and pollution reduction. Specifically, the Senate Majority one-house State Budget ...

Packaging EPR complexity - Why do EPR programs vary?
by Rachel Langhill at 15:22 in Packaging under Environmental

​In many countries around the world, producers must pay levies on all product packaging and on the products they sell. These levies, or extended producer responsibility (EPR) funding, is to build infrastructure for collecting materials to be recycled.Packaging levies started in Germany in the early 1990s with der Grüne Punkt (or Green Dot) and quickly spr...

Packaging EPR complexity - Why do EPR programs vary?

Lorax EPI's subscription service offerings
by Rachel Langhill at 19:43 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Lorax EPI's subscription service offerings

Lorax EPI is dedicated to simplifying global sustainability. Brand owners, retailers, manufacturers, producers and other industry professionals rely on our in-house software and international team of consultants to comply with wide-ranging stewardship obligations, keep ahead of legislation and advance their sustainability goals. One of the main ways our c...

A look inside some of Lorax EPI's recent consulting projects
by Rachel Langhill at 18:10 in Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

​While many clients rely on Lorax EPI for our cloud-based EPR software to assist with legal product stewardship reporting obligations, we have been getting more and more inquiries for our environmental consulting services recently. EPR legislation differs from country to country (and sometimes province to province), making regulatory compliance a complex ...

A look inside some of Lorax EPI's recent consulting projects

China's war on plastic waste
by Annis Mapleston at 07:45 in Environmental, WEEE, Packaging, Emerging under Environmental

China's war on plastic waste

Having been the world's main recipient of plastic waste for thirty years, China banned the import of most residential waste in 2017 (reducing imports from 581,000 metric tonnes in February 2017 to just 23,900 metric tonnes in February 2018). This has had a significant impact on other countries around the world, which are having to find alternative method...

Eco-modulation - what is it, and where is it being used?
by Annis Mapleston at 15:12 in Circular Economy, Packaging, Emerging under Environmental

​​Eco-modulation is a concept which is being talked about (and implemented) increasingly frequently by governments and stewardship/EPR schemes. But what is it? At the most basic level, eco-modulation is the concept of penalising the use of materials that are less environmentally friendly, and rewarding the use of those which are better - for example, thr...

Eco-modulation - what is it, and where is it being used?

France's Circular Economy law
by Annis Mapleston at 15:48 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

France's Circular Economy law

​France has just introduced extensive new legislation ​(link in French) on waste management and the circular economy (the concept of ​​​designing the economy to minimise waste and pollution and to keep resources in circulation). Among many other measures, the new legislation introduces additional EPR schemes for products including waste from food vendors,...

UK Environment Bill reintroduced to Parliament
by Annis Mapleston at 15:57 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental

​The UK Government is trying again to get its Environment Bill passed into UK law.The Bill introduces a wide range of measures, including the establishment of a new Office for Environmental Protection, changes to the current system of producer responsibility and the ability to impose charges for single use plastic items (e.g. disposable cups) in addition ...

UK Environment Bill reintroduced to Parliament

Republic of Korea changes its recycling requirements
by Annis Mapleston at 15:19 in Packaging, Emerging under Environmental

Republic of Korea changes its recycling requirements

​The Republic of Korea has published an amendment ​to its Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling Resources (link in Korean), in reaction to China's ban on imports of foreign waste which has resulted in local waste collection companies refusing to collect certain types of refuse. As a result of the amendment, companies operating in Korea must underta...

Singapore introduces a Resource Sustainability Act
by Annis Mapleston at 08:46 in Emerging, Packaging, Environmental, WEEE under Environmental

​Did you know that new regulations on​ WEEE and packaging will come into effect in Singapore from 2020? The Resource Sustainability Act 2019 will affect companies operating in Singapore who produce or import electronic and electrical equipment (including batteries), as well as those who supply goods in packaging.​Obligated companies will need to register...

Singapore introduces a Resource Sustainability Act

Celebrations and milestones as we reach 5 years in business
by Michelle Carvell at 11:48 in Success, Team under Company

Celebrations and milestones as we reach 5 years in business

At the end of September Lorax Compliance reached 5 years in business and we celebrated the occassion by welcoming all of our new US colleagues to the UK for a company-wide meeting. It was a busy week full of team building exercises, staff training and sessions to share our knowledge and expertise and it was wonderful to get to know our new colleagu...

Why is EPR needed? Nigeria’s e-waste crisis
by Ellen Thornton at 14:34 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, WEEE under Environmental

​Nigeria's e-waste production has increased​ by 170% from 2009 to 2017, with a generation of 290,000 tonnes in 2017. In addition to this, Nigeria receives shipments of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) from abroad. 60,000 tonnes of WEEE are shipped into the country through Lagos ports alone, according to United Nations University research. ...

Why is EPR needed? Nigeria’s e-waste crisis

Chile introduces packaging EPR
by Ellen Thornton at 14:58 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

Chile introduces packaging EPR

​Yesterday, the 'Proposed draft decree establishing goals of collection and recycling and associated packaging obligations' was published in Chile's Diario Oficial (official newspaper). The Draft Bill has been published for public consultation and would introduce the polluter pays principle alongside the hierarchy of waste management. Studies conducted by...

What is Extended Producer Responsibility?
by Ellen Thornton at 08:22 in Battery, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

​Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a concept which is used globally. It is introduced into countries through legislation or in some cases, voluntary schemes. EPR has been well established in Europe for many years. PrincipleEPR is the principle that producers are obligated for end-of-life waste management of the products and/or packaging they plac...

What is Extended Producer Responsibility?

Edie Live 2019
by Ellen Thornton at 10:53 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Edie Live 2019

​As always, the Edie Live conference at the National Exhibition Centre was full of interesting and topical talks and debates. The main themes included single-use plastics and how to reduce these in addition to the need for introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) so producers take on the cost and responsibility of packaging and packaging was...

Washington State and Indiana progress legislation to implement EPR
by Ellen Thornton at 10:52 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

​EPR legislation have been proposed in both Washington State and Indiana. If the Bills are passed, producers in the states will become responsible for the end-of-life packaging waste created from the products they place on the market. Washington StateIn Washington State, the Senate Bill 5397 would make producers responsible for the design and management ...

Washington State and Indiana progress legislation to implement EPR

The latest Extended Producer Respsonbility updates in South America
by Ellen Thornton at 09:04 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The latest Extended Producer Respsonbility updates in South America

Following our last blog covering EPR updates in South America, we have more news to keep you up to speed. There has been further development in EPR legislation alongside many single-use plastic restrictions. In Brazil, we see the further development of the National Solid Waste Policy. A new Chamber of Deputies Bill No. 11186/2018 would make amendments to...

Compliance Update - French packaging scheme, Citeo, makes changes for the 2020 report
by Ellen Thornton at 08:53 in Packaging, Emerging under Environmental

The French household packaging compliance scheme, Citeo, has announced updates to reporting for 2019 data which will be submitted in 2020. There are changes to the bonus and penalty system and a simplified return for the consumer sales unit statement which has been phased in over the past couple of years. For 2019 data, the tariffs for the sectoral decla...

Compliance Update - French packaging scheme, Citeo, makes changes for the 2020 report

Non-packaging product compliance in Slovakia - are you aware of your obligations?
by Ellen Thornton at 11:13 in Environmental under Environmental

Non-packaging product compliance in Slovakia - are you aware of your obligations?

An extended producer responsibility obligation for non-packaging products exists in Slovakia in addition to the obligation for EEE, batteries and accumulators, packaging, vehicles and pneumatic tyres. Non- packaging products belong to one of the following groups of products which will become a part of municipal waste:Articles of plastics consisting of pol...

UK Government launches long-awaited Resources and Waste Strategy
by Ellen Thornton at 16:32 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

Today, 18th December, the UK Government has launched their long-awaited Resourses and Waste Strategy (RWS) as part of the 25 Year Environment Plan. In the Plan, the Government pledged to leave the environment in a better condition for the next generation, the RWS will be implemented to meet this commitment by becoming a world leader in using resources eff...

UK Government launches long-awaited Resources and Waste Strategy

Conai packaging update
by Ellen Thornton at 14:43 in Emerging, Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

Conai packaging update

Changes will be introduced for the Italian packaging scheme, Conai, from January 1st 2019. There will be diversification for polylaminated packaging suitable for containing liquids, such as containers used for fruit juices, milk and preserves. Compared to the environmental contribution for paper and cardboard packaging of €20.00 per ton, the additional c...

Rinki packaging update
by Ellen Thornton at 13:43 in Emerging, Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

There have been changes announced by Finnish packaging scheme, Rinki, to their packaging declaration to be introduced from 1st January 2019, to be applied to 2018 data. These include exclusion of deposit packaging, separate reporting of conventional and biodegradable plastic packaging and more specific definitions for wooden packaging. Deposit packaging ...

Rinki packaging update

Latest updates from South America
by Ellen Thornton at 12:56 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Latest updates from South America

Following our webinar last month updating you on the plastic bans and EPR progress in South America, we have seen further proposed laws in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Here's a quick summary of the latest news. In Argentina, two Chamber of Deputies Bills have been proposed. One would establish a program for the progres...

RWM Conference 2018
by Ellen Thornton at 14:07 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The majority of Lorax staff attended RWM Conference 2018 after such a positive experience in 2017. We heard from countless waste and resources experts, consultants, members of advisory committees, NGOs and an inspiring MP. Key themes of the conference included global extended producer responsibility, plastic packaging and pollution, the future of EPR and ...

RWM Conference 2018

Online sales are rapidly increasing the WEEE free-riding
by Ellen Thornton at 14:33 in WEEE, Environmental under Environmental

Online sales are rapidly increasing the WEEE free-riding

The OECD published a report in June 2018, detailing the impact of online sales of electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in Europe, the United States and Canada. Online sales of EEE are now a major and growing part of retail in most OECD countries. A very significant proportion of these sales involve cross-border trade, and free-riding related to this ...

What consumers need to know about the Green Dot
by Ellen Thornton at 14:14 in Packaging, Environmental, Circular Economy under Environmental

Extended producer responsibility Producers of packaging in Europe are obligated under the European Union's Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive to cover the cost of collection and recycling of packaging waste. They do this by paying a fee for the weight of packaging they place on the market in each respective country. This fee is usually paid to a pack...

What consumers need to know about the Green Dot

Industry heroes
by Ellen Thornton at 08:52 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Industry heroes

Extended producer responsibility laws require producers to cover the cost of collection, recycling for the end of life of products they have placed on the market. However, some producers go above and beyond their responsibilities under the law to minimise their impact on the environment. These are just some of those industry heroes… IKEAIKEA have moved a...

EU waste legislative package published in the Official Journal of the European Union
by Ellen Thornton at 10:03 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging, WEEE, Battery under Environmental

On 14 June, the Official Journal of the European Union published the EU waste legislative package which includes amendments to the Directives on end-of-life vehicles; batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators; waste electrical and electronic equipment; landfill of waste; waste and packaging and packaging waste among others. These ame...

EU waste legislative package published in the Official Journal of the European Union

Approaching deadline for EPR reporting in Chile
by Ellen Thornton at 14:13 in Battery, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

Approaching deadline for EPR reporting in Chile

Under the provisions of the second transitory article of Law No 20,920, producers of certain priority products are obligated to report information to the Ministry of Environment. The submission date for products placed on the market last year is 31 August, under the Exempt Resolution No. 0409/2018 of the MMA. The obligation applies to producers of the fo...

Modulated fees in EPR
by Ellen Thornton at 14:18 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Earlier this year, the Secretary of State for the Environment in the UK, Michael Gove, announced a reform of the current PRN system based on a consultation taking place later this year. Following this, there has been a lot of talk about modulated fees, which are already in place in the French and Italian packaging compliance schemes, CONAI and Citeo. Modu...

Modulated fees in EPR

Hong Kong's Producer Responsibility Schemes
by Ellen Thornton at 13:07 in Emerging, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

Hong Kong's Producer Responsibility Schemes

In July 2008, the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603) was enacted as an umbrella legislation to put in place the shared core elements of all producer responsibility schemes (PRS) in Hong Kong. It outlines the fundamental regulatory requirements in respect of individual types of product, including operational details in the Ordinance and its su...

Updated E-Waste Management Rules in India
by Ellen Thornton at 10:19 in Emerging, WEEE under Environmental

Currently in India, a large quantity of e-waste is managed by the informal sector. The sector encompasses waste pickers, dismantlers, recyclers, etc. This work is unregulated and inefficient and can often cause damage to the environment. Furthermore, there can be major risks to human health as e-waste can contain toxic substances such as cadmium, lead, ar...

Updated E-Waste Management Rules in India

New EPR Regulations announced in Brazil
by Ellen Thornton at 19:03 in Battery, Emerging, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

New EPR Regulations announced in Brazil

On 3 April, The Sao Paulo State environment agency (CETESB) issued Decision No. 076/2018/C establishing the integration of take-back requirements into the environmental permitting procedure. Manufacturers, importers, distributors and sellers of certain products may only be issued environmental operation permits after compliance with take-back regulations ...

New EPR Regulation in Mozambique
by Ellen Thornton at 10:41 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The Decree 79/2017, of 28 December 2017, approving the Regulation on the Extended Responsibility of Producers and Importers of Packaging, was approved by the Council of Ministers and came into force on 29th December 2017. The Regulation applies to all public and private entities, natural or legal persons engaged in the production, import and management of...

New EPR Regulation in Mozambique

End-of-Life Vehicles Extended Producer Responsibility
by Ellen Thornton at 08:16 in Environmental under Environmental

End-of-Life Vehicles Extended Producer Responsibility

Similar to WEEE, packaging and batteries, vehicles are subject to extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations in the EU to ensure they are disposed of in an environmentally sound manner at the end of their useful life. Producers in member states are obligated for vehicles, including their components, spare and replacement parts and materials. EUA ...

Emerging EPR in South America
by Ellen Thornton at 10:20 in Battery, Emerging, Content, Packaging, Circular Economy, WEEE, Environmental under Environmental

There is currently an array of changes occurring in South America in relation to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations and recycling laws. Countries such as Brazil, Chile a​nd Argentina are catching up with Europe as many new EPR Bills are proposed. ​ArgentinaIn Argentina, a Bill has been proposed to modify the Integrated Management of Househ...

Emerging EPR in South America


2024 Aaron Sarah AaronSarah Africa Áine Whelan Alena Zein Ana Pilcher May Andrew Lamzed-Short Annis Mapleston ARA Argentina Asean Australia Austria Austria packaging legislation Automation Awards AWS B Corp B2B waste batteries battery Battery batterydirective Bebat Belgium bio-based biodegradable Brazil Brexit British Columbia business California Canada canada packaging legislation Centralised Database Cevko changes chemical recycling Chemicals Chile China Chloe Nunn circular economy Circular Economy Citeo city clothing Coffee coffee cups Colombia Columbia commercial waste Compliance compliance scheme compostable Conai conference consulting consumer Content Corporate social responsibility CSR CSSA cyprus Danielle Stephenson Data Collection Database David Markham Denmark Deposit Return Schemes design Digital waste tracking Directive Disposable DSD Dylan Kingsbury Dynamo e-waste eco-modulation Ecoemballages Ecoembes Ecopilas EcoRom Ecuador edie Resource Revolution 2016-07 EEE electronics ElektroG2 ellen macarthur Ellen MacArthur Foundation Ellen Thornton emerging Emerging Emma Mundy empty space End-of-life vehicles Energy England Envi envipak environment Environmental Environmental Software EPR EPRA ERA ESG EU EU packaging waste EUregulation europe Extended Producer Responsibility federal Finland food waste formula E Fost Plus France France packaging submission French GEKAP Genoveva Georgieva Germany germany packaging legislation glass Global Green Dot growth hazardous health Hong Kong Hungary Imogen Rudge india India Indiana Indonesia industrial industrial waste Intern InternationalTreaty Ireland Israel Italy James Gibbs January Japan Jasmine Norton Jennifer Brook Jianhong Hu Joshua Martin Justin Given Kenya Korea label labelling Lambda Latvia Legal Clarity Legislation Lighting Lithium Lorax Compliance Lorax Compliance Ltd. Lorax EPI Lucy Mercer Lynn Perks Maine Maine EPR Packaging Plastic Manitoba Max Markham MEA Megan Keen Meng Yan Mexico Michelle Carvell Microsoft Mozambique Nation Data national authority Netherlands New Jersey New Plastics Economy New York New Zealand newlegislation Nigeria Norway Obligations oceans Office offices Oil Ollie Perkins onlinemarketplace Ontario Ontario Waste Act Oregon Origin overpackaging oxo-degradable Packaging packaging circular economy sustainability regulation EU packaging complexities packaging design packaging legislation packaging submission packaging Supplier Packaging Waste Forum 2016-03 Pact Paint paper PCR Penalties pEPR Peru PET plastic plastic bags plastic ban Plastic packaging plastic pact plastic pollution Plastic Tax plastic waste Plastics plastics pacts Poland pollution polystyrene post-recycled material PPWD PPWR Prince Edward Island PRN PRO Producer Responsbility producer responsibility Producers product stewardship proposal paper PYR Qinthar Aghnia Audiawarman Quebec Rachel Langhill Ramisa Shahjahan Rania Jhumka re-use REACH rechargeable Reclay (VfW) Recyclability Assessment Recyclable Recyclable Cup Recycle BC Recycle Now recycled Recycled Content recyclers recycling Recylcle Week recyling Reduce Refrigerants Registration Regulations Release Notes REPAK reporting Research resources Reusable packaging Reusable target Reuse Rinki RoHS Romania Rompack Russian Federation S3 Saskatchewan Saudi Arabia Scheme Serverless Architecture services Sian Lee Singapore single use plastic Single-use plastic slorax epi Slovakia Sociedade Ponto Verde Software South Africa South America South Korea Spain Spain Batteries stewardship Stewardship Ontario Stiftung EAR submission subscription services Success sustainability Sweden Switzerland symbol Taiwan Taiwan, Province of China take-back tax team Team terminology Testing textiles Tracy Gibbard Turkey UK UK EPR UK Generic United Kingdom United Nations United States of America USA Val-I-Pac Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Verity Anipa Victor Bell warehouse waste Washington State waste waste management waste producer waste recovery Waste reduction plan Website WEEE William Fleming Work Experience worldwide packaging legislation WRAP Yukon zero waste

UK Address

  • Lorax Compliance Ltd.
  • Suite 6, Eleven Arches House
  • Yates Avenue
  • Rugby
  • CV21 1FD
  • England

USA Address

  • Environmental Packaging International
  • 166 Valley Street
  • Building 6M, Suite #103
  • Providence
  • RI 02909
  • USA
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