Lorax EPI

Textile Reporting has Landed in Latvia
by Jennifer Brook at 15:18 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental

In a previous Lorax EPI blog from January, we stated that textile EPR reporting requirements would come into effect on 1st July 2024 in Latvia. This has now happened - this blog explains what you need to do to comply with textile EPR regulations in Latvia.


Who is obligated?

Parties who place textile products onto the Latvian market for the first time.

Where should I report?

Companies must either pay the Natural Resource Tax to the government or join a producer responsibility organisation (PRO) to take on this obligation for them, and thus be exempt from paying the tax. In that case, companies would have to pay EPR fees to a PRO instead.

The main PRO in Latvia is called Latvijas Zalais Punkts, abbreviated to LZP. The governmental department responsible for EPR fee payment is the Cabinet of Ministers, often abbreviated to MK.

What products are obligated?

Products obligated under the law are clothes, clothing accessories, shoes and household textiles.

Examples of obligated textile products include:

  • Clothes
  • Blankets
  • Curtains and roller blinds
  • Clothes where the main component is not textile
  • Hats
  • Shoes made from leather with rubber soles
  • Worn clothing and second-hand clothes.

When do I need to report?

LZP are accepting registrations now. Once registered, reports are made every quarter to LZP, meaning the next reports are due mid-July and mid-October 2024.

How can I report?

Lorax EPI has a comprehensive knowledge of this declaration, and we can help you report. We can also inform you of every other EPR report across the world – for example with textiles, reporting is already established in France and is currently being implemented in the Netherlands.

We can help you understand your legal obligations in each country to be compliant with extended producer responsibility regulations. We can also support you to register and report to PROs in each different, required language across the globe - for packaging, electronics, batteries, textiles and more. If you would like to find out more, contact one of our team today.

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