Are you ready for the upcoming Vietnam EPR?
by Megan Keen at 09:16 in Packaging, Environmental, Emerging, WEEE, Battery
On 10 January 2022, the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment posted a new decree as part of the Law on Environmental Protection. This has given essential updates to aspects of the law with which many companies may find themselves needing to be compliant, as EPR regulations begin to come into force from 2024.
The biggest change to the law is the introduction of a new EPR system and recycling targets associated with certain products such as packaging materials for: food products, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, veterinary drugs, detergents, household products, medical products, battery cells, lubricating oil, tyres, and tubes; eventually this will also include electric and electronic equipment. The legislation gives producers and importers a choice to meet the recycling targets or pay towards the environmental protection fund.
A tax of 1% of the company turnover will be levied for disposable battery cells, diapers, sanitary towels, disposable wet wipes, and chewing gum. A fixed rate per kg of used plastics will be taxed for cups, utensils, stirrers, straws, cotton swabs, disposable razors, bags, shoes, sandals, any type of toys, any type of fishing supplies, any type of construction materials, and small plastic bags which are non-biodegradable.
New labelling regulations have also been announced within the law however which are not compulsory, they are instead voluntary, but still potentially useful to consider at this time as it will influence what products are banned from 2030. The new labelling involves a new eco label which can be put on sustainable products that are given permits by the ministry. Currently the classifcation methodlogy is still unknown moment, until further notices from the ministry. Even though the label is voluntary there could be benefits to your company as all products certified with the Vietnam Eco-label will be given priority of procurement and investment for these products by the public sector. The private sector and NGOs will also be encouraged to give the same priorities to labelled products.
Plastics ban
The new plastic ban will impact all importers and producers of single use plastics and non-biodegradable products, the roadmap first starts with a ban on small non-biodegradable plastic bags and any thin films from the 1st of January 2026, unless produced for exportation.
After 31 December 2030, the roadmap moves on to ban all single use plastic, unless labelled with Vietnamese ministry approved Eco-label. At this time the roadmap also bans non-biodegradable plastic packaging and products containing microplastics, unless produced for exportation.
Lorax EPI aims to aid your compliance with this new regulation in a way that makes the transition easier, and sheds more light on future updates to the roadmap as they are released. If you need further advice surrounding these current updates in legislation, please don't hesitate to contact us.