Ontario extends electronic stewardship wind up date
by Ellen Thornton at 10:55 in Circular Economy, Emerging, WEEE, Battery
Earlier this year, Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) Program announced a ‘fee holiday' until the wind up of the program, on June 30th, 2020, due to a surplus of funds collected. It has just been announced that the Ministry of Environment, Parks and Recreation issued an amendment to the wind up date, which means the program will now end on 31st December 2020.
Stewards must continue to report their units placed on the market to the Ontario Electronic Stewardship through the normal process for all sales up to and including December 2020.
The current program is being wound up to allow the transition to a circular economy. The new program will introduce a producer responsibility system where producers can individually collect and recycle products and packaging or join a producer responsibility organisation to take on their obligations.
The Ontario Government has proposed new regulatory requirements for electrical and electronic equipment, and batteries under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA). The Government is currently collecting feedback and carrying out a Regulatory Impact Analysis to determine the impact on businesses of the proposed regulations.
The proposed legislation and regulations would require:
Producers to establish free collection networks for consumers
Producers to achieve resource recovery targets
Producers to provide promotion and education materials to increase consumer awareness
Producers and service providers to register, report and keep records and meet other requirements
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