The latest Extended Producer Respsonbility updates in South America
by Ellen Thornton at 09:04 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging
Following our last blog covering EPR updates in South America, we have more news to keep you up to speed. There has been further development in EPR legislation alongside many single-use plastic restrictions.
In Brazil, we see the further development of the National Solid Waste Policy. A new Chamber of Deputies Bill No. 11186/2018 would make amendments to require manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of medicines for human or animal use to develop and implement take-back systems for their end-of-use products and packaging. Furthermore, the Chamber of Deputies Bill No. 11187/2018 would also amend the National Solid Waste Policy to prohibit the sale and use of plastic bags, straws, and glasses in commercial establishments. The Brazilian Ministry of Environment has published the sectoral agreement between the Ministry and the Brazilian Association of Automotive and Industrial Batteries to implement take-back systems for lead acid batteries. The Finance and Taxation Committee in the Chamber of Deputies approved Bill No. 7535/17, which would provide for the creation of the Support Fund for Recycling Actions to capture and allocate resources to recycling projects, subject to further analysis. The Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Committee in the Chamber of Deputies approved a proposal (Bill No. 7789/17, Bill No. 7706/06) that would create the National Policy for the Disposal and Reconditioning of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, which would aim to increase access and appropriate use of information and communication technologies by the Brazilian population. The proposal must still be voted on by the Chamber as a whole. In Sao Paulo, Bill No. 706/2018, proposed in the Legislative Assembly, would institute the Conscious Disposal Incentive Program for Cartridges and Toners.
In Chile, we are seeing EPR rapidly develop. The Chamber of Deputies Bill No. 12329 would modify the Recycling and Extended Producer Responsibility Law (No. 20.920) to require priority products to have labels that include information on their composition and feasibility of being recycled. In addition, the Chamber of Deputies bill No. 12299 would modify the Consumer Protection Law (No. 19.496) to require suppliers to disclose the water and carbon footprint indices of their products. The Senate Bill No. 12275 would prohibit the use of plastic bags for the shipment of products. The Ministry of Environment has published modifications to Decree No. 1/2013, which regulates the Registry of Emissions and Transfers of Contaminates, to accommodate new rules established under the Recycling and Extended Producer Responsibility.
In Peru, Bill No. 0389/2018-CR, proposed in the Unicameral Congress, would establish tax incentives for the manufacture of biodegradable products that progressively replace single-use plastic bags and packaging destined for the domestic market. In addition, Bill No. 03632/2018-CR, proposed in the Unicameral Congress, would restrict the use of single-use plastic bags. We're seeing more and more plastic restrictions. In Mexico, a bill proposed in the Senate would make various amendments to the General Law for the Prevention and Integrated Management of Wastes, including prohibiting the generation and consumption of single-use plastics, such as straws, rings for canned beverages, cotton swabs, and plastic wrap, among others. In Argentina, a Chamber of Deputies Bill No. 7440-D-2018 would create a regime for promoting the transformation of the plastic industry within the province of Buenos Aires to reduce the production of plastic materials. In Costa Rica, Bill No. 21159, proposed in the Legislative Assembly, would promote the replacement of single-use plastics with compostable, renewable and recyclable alternatives. In Ecuador, a bill proposed in the Legislative Assembly would create the Inclusive Recycling Law, which would establish the responsibilities of entities that compromise the public sector in terms of the integrated management of non-hazardous solid wastes, including single-use plastic products.
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