Belgium: battery compliance update
by Ellen Thornton at 09:39 in Battery, Emerging
Bebat is the Belgium scheme for battery reporting. Companies who place less than 10,000 batteries on the market per year can report annually using the simplified declaration, otherwise they must report monthly. The simplified declaration means you only have to submit one declaration per year for the number of batteries you put onto the market (individually or built in).

Submission date: 28th February for annual report.
Changes: There have been extensive changes to the nomenclature list which will affect data starting 1st January 2018 (will not apply to the submission for 2017 data). Furthermore, there are category and fee changes also starting from 1st January, with an additional category which will be charged using a fee per kg, rather than per unit. The new system of differentiated contributions will be applicable from 1st January for B2B sales. Whereas, for B2C sales, the new contributions will take effect on the 1st April 2018.
If you need any help with your submission to Bebat, please contact us here.