Belgium: Val-i-pac packaging compliance update
by Ellen Thornton at 09:54 in Packaging
Val-i-pac is a Belgian packaging compliance scheme which covers industrial packaging waste. Companies who produce less than 5 tonnes of packaging per year can submit a simplified declaration instead of the ordinary declaration. Any company that uses 10 tonnes or more of packaging while selling its products in Belgium has a legal obligation to submit a prevention plan to the Commission every 3 years.
Submission date: 28th February 2018.
There are 6 different forms that can be filled in – 3 for one-way packaging and 3 for reusable packaging. Each 3 forms are then split down by the activity reporting on the packaging. Type A: any company which has products packaged in Belgium or has packaged them itself in order to supply them to the Belgian market. Type B: in the case where products supplied to the Belgian market were not packaged in Belgium, any company which has had such products imported or has imported them itself and which neither unpacks nor uses such products. Type C: in the case of industrial packaging waste not covered by A or B, anyone who unpacks or uses packaged products on Belgian territory and who is therefore responsible for the packaging waste generated.
If you need any help with your submission to Val-i-pac, please contact us here.
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