Changes to the Rinki packaging waste submission, Finland.
by Emma Mundy at 15:28 in Environmental, Packaging
If you are gearing up to submit your 2017 packaging waste report to RINKI in Finland please note that there have been some changes to the submission based on 2016 sales. The key changes are new fees and new reporting categories.
New Categories
The form now includes some additional rows for plastic which are: plastic packaging for consumers, shopping bags for consumers and small bags for consumers. For wooden packaging an additional row for rental pallets has also been added to the form.
Back in October the Minister of Agriculture and the Environment, Kimmo Tiilikainen, and the Managing Director of the Finnish Commerce Federation, Juhani Pekkala, signed a Green Deal in order to restrict the use of plastic carrier bags in Finland. The Green Deal has been implemented to ensure that Finland reaches the reduction targets imposed by the EU Directive on packaging and packaging waste. The deal is voluntary, the first of its kind, and it is hoped that it will encourage relevant parties to self-regulate.
The amendment to the EU packaging waste directive introduced in April 2015 stipulates that EU member states must report numbers of plastic carrier bags used on an annual basis. Many other EU packaging schemes have also introduced separate lines for plastic carrier bags on their data forms if they did not already have them. This is vital to enable them to collect data on the amount of plastic carrier bags used within a particular member state.
New Fees
The 2017 fees for the RINKI calculation have increased for all categories with the exception of plastic and Industrial fibre-based packaging. Industrial fees remain the same, whilst plastic fees for both consumers and firms has reduced.
The new Rinki declaration form for 2016 quantities can be found here along with guidance on how to complete the form here and the recycling fees for 2017 are available on the RINKI website.
Finally, don't forget that the reports are now due 28 February at the latest, as the submission date has been pulled forward from their old March deadline.
There are also upcoming changes for France, Germany, Norway and Italy under the packaging waste regulations. We will be publishing any relevant changes to our customers, however you are welcome to attend one of our Regulatory Update webinars or send us a question through our website.