The problem with the chasing arrows symbol
by Aaron Sarah at 11:42 in Packaging, Circular Economy, Emerging under Environmental
If you are reading this blog, you probably recognise the chasing arrows symbol from packaging that you interact with on a daily basis. However, you might not know what it means, or the history behind it. The symbol has actually become problematic for recycling, which is why we have started to see some governments legislating on the use of the symbol. The...

Key talking points from the proposed EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
by Aaron Sarah at 16:23 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

After much speculation and anticipation, the EU has released its proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, a revision to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD). One of the key changes within the proposal is a change in legal standing, turning it into a 'Regulation' and not a 'Directive'. This means that if implemented, the new regula...
What can we expect from the new EU battery regulations?
by Aaron Sarah at 15:00 in Battery, Circular Economy, Emerging under Environmental
The European Union's current battery legislation was introduced in 2006 with Directive 2006/66/EC. With the current directive being subject to differing interpretations and with battery technology having changed substantially since 2006, the EU is now working on implementing new regulations. First presented in 2020, the new battery regulations showcased ...

Are post-consumer recycled content requirements progressing globally?
by Aaron Sarah at 09:23 in Circular Economy, Content, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

Across the globe we are starting to see more movement on mandatory requirements being established for post-consumer recycled content (PCR) to be included in packaging. With the likes of Sweden and a handful of the US states already having mandatory requirements in place, will it be long until we see more countries implement these requirements? With the...
Attention internet sellers: Are you prepared for the upcoming EPR obligations in Germany?
by Aaron Sarah at 14:55 in Packaging, Battery, WEEE, Circular Economy under Environmental
We are now fast approaching the upcoming changes in Germany for anyone who places packaging onto the German market. If you are a producer/retailer who places packaging onto the German market then you will need to make sure you are compliant by 1 July 2022. If you are a producer/retailer who places electronic equipment or batteries onto the German market...